The Iowa NAHRO Scholarship Committee, comprised of members from the Iowa NAHRO Board, will accept and review the scholarship applications and determine the scholarship amount awarded. All applications must be submitted by February 1st, 2025 and the winners will be selected at the February Board Meeting with notices going out in the month of March. The Scholarship Committee awards scholarship money directly to the accredited institution of higher education, or directly to the candidate at the Board’s discretion.

Rules, Procedures, and Eligibility

  1. Scholarship applications are made available to eligible agencies. An eligible agency is a member agency in good standing with Iowa NAHRO.
  2. Eligible individuals must be a graduating high school senior, or possess a high school diploma or GED, applying to or attending an accredited institution of higher education. If currently attending college, applicant must be registered for at least two (2) classes.
  3. Category One: Eligible individuals are residents living in a household or being provided a service managed by an eligible agency:
    1. A family member of the immediate household that has been the recipient of rental housing assistance (funded under an executed rent assistance contract) for at least one year of the last two years, from a local housing authority (PHA) or other agency in good standing and having an Agency or Individual Membership to Iowa NAHRO;
    2. OR, any immediate household member of a recipient of HOME or CDBG funds assistance (as evidenced by recipient signature and dated work contract or completion inspection signoff) within the most recent two years, from a Community Development Agency or not-for-profit CHODO providing housing assistance, that is in good standing and having an Agency or Individual Membership to Iowa NAHRO
    3. Public Housing, Section 8, and federally assisted residents as outlined above will be eligible to have their application submitted to the region: NCRC NAHRO. One scholarship from each region may be eligible to receive an additional $1,000 and two exemplary applications receiving an additional $2,000 and $5,000 respectively.
  4. Category Two: Any immediate family member of an employee, or an employee of, a Local or Regional Housing Agency (PHA), Community Development Agency, or not-for-profit CHODO, providing housing assistance, that is in good standing and has an Agency or Individual Membership to Iowa NAHRO.
    1. This scholarship category is only offered by the Iowa Chapter of NAHRO, therefore, this category is not eligible to have their application submitted to Regional NAHRO for consideration of additional scholarship monies.
  5. Anyone who has previously received an Iowa NAHRO sponsored scholarship will not be eligible to reapply for additional funding.

Application Process

  1. The application must be reviewed and evaluated by a representative selected by the Iowa NAHRO Board. To be considered complete, all sections of the application must be filled out. If a section is not applicable, put N/A (not applicable) in the area; do not leave any areas blank. An application that is blank or missing appropriate submittals or signatures will be disqualified.
  2. The application must include letters of recommendation from an Executive of the local housing authority and an academic reference (i.e. teachers and/or guidance counselors).
  3. The application must include an unofficial transcript of grades from high school or academic institution presently attending (transcript may be forwarded separate from application, but must postmarked by deadline).
  4. The application must include verification of acceptance/attendance at a specific school.
  5. The application must include an essay written by the student that details their educational plans and goals, and focuses on outstanding community service or engagement activities. Essays showcasing outstanding community engagement may be selected for additional financial awards.
  6. Screening, evaluation, and selection will be conducted by the Scholarship Committee.


Two scholarships, receiving $1,000 each, will be awarded and paid directly to the accredited institution of higher education, or directly to the candidate at the Board’s discretion.

  1. Eligible applicants will be selected from Category 1: Resident, and Category 2: Employee of PHA.
    All applications and documentation must be sent no later than February 1, 2025 to:
    Dawn Lorenzen
    Iowa NAHRO Scholarship Committee Chair
    c/o Manning Municipal Housing Agency
    421 Center Street
    Manning, IA 51455
    Phone: 712-655-2155

Requirements Checklist

PLEASE BE SURE TO IDENTIFY YOUR CATEGORY: Category 1: Resident, or Category 2: Employee of PHA.